Tag Archive | charity event

#35 Tough Mudder? Never heard of it?

My little brother Jason mentioned to me not too long ago that he was entering an obstacle course charity run, although he didn’t elaborate on it much and I figured it was kinda like the charity run I did last year and was excited for him because I know how good it feels to do things like that. Now, this morning when I looked at my FB page I saw a link to a you tube video and checked it out. For those of you who also have never heard of this it’s called Tough Mudder 2012 Arizona. You can check out some videos for yourself on you tube because there’s no way I can explain this to you well enough to give you a good idea of how difficult and crazy this is. Some of the obstacles are called: Arctic Enema, Berlin Walls, Electroshock Therapy(yes they really shock you while you’re going through water), Turd’s Nest, Bump and Grind (crawling over jagged rocks), Devil’s Beard, Everest, Boa Constrictor, Shock on the Rocks, Shake and Bake, Funky Monkey, Hold Your Wood, King of the Mountain, Spider’s Web and there are Mystery Obstacles throughout the course that they don’t tell what they are ahead of time. Now keep in mind that this is a charity event for injured military personnel. Look it up and check it out. You won’t believe that people are willing to do this. I know I didn’t. Below is the description of Tough Mudder from their website.

Tough Mudder events are hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. As the leading company in the booming obstacle course industry, Tough Mudder has already challenged half a million inspiring participants worldwide and raised more than $2 million dollars for the Wounded Warrior Project. But Tough Mudder is more than an event, it’s a way of thinking. By running a Tough Mudder challenge, you’ll unlock a true sense of accomplishment, have a great time, and discover a camaraderie with your fellow participants that’s experienced all too rarely these days.

FACT #1 – Marathon running is boring.And the only thing more boring than doing a marathon is watching a marathon. Road-running may give you a healthy set of lungs, but will leave you with as much upper body strength as Keira Knightley. At Tough Mudder, we want to test your all-around mettle, not just your ability to run in a straight line, on your own, for hours on end, getting bored out of your mind. Our obstacle courses are designed by British Special Forces to test you in every way and are meant only for truly exceptional all-around people, not for people who have enough time and money to train their knees to run 26 miles.

FACT #2 – Mudders do not take themselves too seriously. Triathlons, marathons, and other lame-ass mud runs are more stressful than fun. Not Tough Mudder. As hardcore as our courses are, we meet you at the finish line with a beer, a laugh, and a rockin’ live band. It’s pretty hard to take yourself seriously when you’re covered in mud and have just finished an obstacle called ‘Just The Tip’, so please don’t show up at a Tough Mudder without a sense of humor. Just check out the ridiculous team costumes in our event photos to get a feel for the spirit of Tough Mudder.

FACT #3 – You cannot complete a Tough Mudder course alone. To get through mud, fire, ice-water, and 10,000 volts of electricity you’ll need teammates to pick you up when your spirits dip. To get over 12 foot walls and through underground mud tunnels, you’ll need teammates to give you a boost and a push. Tough Mudders are team players who make sure no one gets left behind. To that end, all Mudders are expected to uphold our ideals and exhibit teamwork and camaraderie both on the course and off it. All participants are asked to join us in reciting the Tough Mudder pledge before starting each event.

I never knew my  little brother was such a Bad Ass! Go Jason!!!